Monday, January 17, 2011

Trolls under the bridge in watercolor

This weekend I printed this troll sketch on our newfancy-pantsy printer and was excited to find that the ink doesn't smudge with water. Now I can practice painting without having to go through the trouble of tracing the sketch onto watercolor paper :D

I'm really proud of how the tree turned out but I'm not sold on the colors for the trolls and overall the colors are much too "springy" to go with the spooky feel I want the book to have. Next time I'll tone down the colors to be more autumn-y and see how that looks.


cate said...

It looks marvelous! I'll take a copy of this illustration in whatever children's book it gets published in whenever I finally run my own wee youth library. BTW, why didn't I know you had a blog until now?!

Nicole Guerra said...

My book would be so happy on the shelf of your wee library! I'm so glad you stumbled into my blog, I believe you and Matt are mentioned in my first post in fact :)